Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Ryan: Twitter Slang

Twitter is taking the world by storm! This week the oldest person who "tweets" on twitter celebrated her 105th birthday! But the question is do you know your stuff? here is your guide to twitter slang..

ATTWACTION a crush on another twitterer.
BLOCK to stop someones tweets appearing in your feed.
DM direct message.
DWEET tweet sent while drunk.
EGOTWEETICAL someone who tweets about themselves too much.
FAIL WHALE the friendly whale character that appears on Twitter when the
website is down.
FOLLOWER user who follows another persons tweets.
HANDLE your Twitter name, beginning with @ e.g. @joebloggs.
ILLTWITERATE someone who doesnt understand Twitter.
IM instant message.
MICRO-BLOGGING another phrase for tweeting.
MISTWEET an error in a tweet, or a tweet you later regret.
NUDGE a friendly reminder to someone to update their profile.
QWITTER someone who stops using Twitter.
RETWEET posting something already posted by another user.
SPEETS spam tweets.
TWADD to add someone as a follower.
TWADDLE boring tweets.
TWAGGLE gaggle of followers.
TWEAVESDROPPING reading strangers Twitter conversations.
TWEEK Twitter geek.
TWEET a post on Twitter.
TWEETERITIS injury caused by too much twittering, e.g. sore fingers.
TWEETHEART someone you fall in love with while tweeting.
TWEETOUT to sign out.
TWENDY something trendy on Twitter.
TWIRTING flirting on Twitter.
TWITCH the need to tweet.
TWITLIT stories or poems posted via Twitter.
TWITTERATI the A-list celebrity twitterers.
TWITTICISM a witty tweet.
140er a tweet that uses exactly the maximum 140 characters.


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